Digitised Legal Documents from the Indo-Persian World
- 1644: Order of Abdussalam, an employee of Prince Murad Bakhsh, to Purshottam Das and
Paras Ram demanding tax records (Arabic, Persian)
- 1650-1659: Order of an official to Purshottam Das about a disruptive revenue officer (Arabic, Persian)
- 1655: Order of Dianat Khan to Purshottam Das that the tribute payment is excused in exchange for improving cultivation (Arabic, Persian)
- 1655: Order of Abdussalam to Purshottam Das and Paras Ram about a dispute with
other officials (Arabic, Persian)
- 1655: Order of an official of Murad Bakhsh to district Dhar regarding the flight of cultivators (Arabic, Persian)
- 1656: Order of a Mughal officer to the officials of Dhar regarding the grant of revenue-free villages to
Purshottam Das (Arabic, Persian, Marathi)
- 1656: Order of a Mughal official to landlords and peasants of district Dhar to pay full
taxes for the year (Arabic, Persian)
- 1656: Order to officials of district Dhar settling tribute payable on villages granted to the landlord Purshottam Das (Arabic, Persian)
- 1657: Order of Amar Singh to the landlords and residents of district Dhar about a transfer of land-holding (Arabic, Hindi, Persian)
- 1657: Copy of a letter of Raja Jai Singh I to Prince Dara Shukoh regarding troop
movements and revenue assignments (Persian)
- 1658: Order of Hakim Muzaffar, servant of Dara Shukoh, to Purshottam Das about working loyally (Arabic, Persian)
- 1659-1684: Order of an official to Purshottam Das to come to Ujjain (Arabic, Persian)
- 1659: Order of Nawazish Khan to Purshottam Das and Paras Ram about the remission of revenues due (Arabic, Persian)
- 1660: Order of Nawazish Khan to Purshottam Das and Paras Ram regarding the construction
of a water tank (Arabic, Persian, Hindi)
- 1663: Order of Nawazish Khan to Mutamad Lal Muhammad not to
threaten the villagers (Arabic, Persian)
- 1664: Order of Bulaqi Chand to the officials of Hindola regarding the tenancy of the district (Persian)
- 1664: Order of Nawazish Khan to Purshottam Das regarding revenue collection and
and a summons (Arabic, Persian)
- 1664: Order of Shamsuddin to Purshottam Das to stop causing disturbances in
Hindola (Arabic, Persian)
- 1666: Letter of Maha Singh to Nathmal expressing pleasure with Nathmal's deeds (Rajasthani)
- 1672: Order of Rafi Muhammad to Purshottam Das about tax payments not received from Amjhera (Persian)
- 1690: Order of Fath Jang Khan granting the office of deshmukhi and 8 villages to the landlords Lodi and Hasan (Persian)
- 1693: Copy of order of Abdurrazaq Khan to district officials about a revenue grant to
Lodi Khan and Hasan (Persian)
- 1694: Order of Aurangzeb Alamgir to Shahuji Bhonsle confirming his local kingship in exchange for loyal service (Persian)
- 1700: Order of Hidayat Khan appointing Nandlal to the position of chaudhri of Kanpil (Arabic, Persian)
- 1715: Decision awarding an office of village headman to Pir Sethi as
seized security for an unpaid loan (Persian, Marathi)
- 1785: Letter of Ahilyabai Holkar to Khando Baburao about informing landlords of fines imposed by tax collectors (Marathi)
- 1818: Copy of an order of Gokul Das to the landlords of Devgarh assuring non-interference in their affairs (English, Rajasthani)
- 1819: Copy of a letter of Padam Singh to James Tod announcing the birth of an heir (English, Rajasthani)