
Digitised Legal Documents from the Indo-Persian World

Order of Abdussalam to Purshottam Das and Paras Ram about a dispute with other officials

Purshottam Das and Paras Ram are assured that their petition has been received and their complaints about local officials will be dealt with; they are urged to maintain peace and productivity in their areas.

Functional document type: Orders

Formal document type: Parvana

Themes: Administration, Disputes, Petitioning

Julus calendar: 10 Rabiʿ al-sani 28
Hijri-qamri calendar: 10 Rabiʿ al-sani 1065
Gregorian calendar: 17 February 1655

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invocation (top centre): Arabic

الله اکبر

God is great

main text: Persian

1 زبده الاقران پرسوتمداس چودهری و پرسرام قانونگوی پرگنه دهار را انها آنکه
2عرضداشتی که فرستاده بودنند رسید مضمون معلوم شد و در باب اجاره داران و
3متصدیان پرگنه مذکور مرقوم بود چه آنها اینطور خیالهای عبث عبث می کنند الحال
4می باید که برسیدن نوشته دلاسای و تسلی آنها نمایند که آینده خاطر خودها جمع نموده سازند بجای خودها
5آباد باشد و در آنچه رضامندی بهبودی آنها است پرداخته خواهد شد و نیز در ینولا
6نوشته ها از حضور پرنور ___ آمده اند انشاالله وقتی ما در آنجا خواهم رسید حقایق نوشته های
7اظهار نموده خواهد شد عرض که [بهمدردی] خاطر رعایا جمع نمایند که هیچ وجه دغدغه و ملاحظه
8بخاطر [برده] ندهند. درین باب تاکید دانند تحریر فی التاریخ ۱۰ شهر ربیع الثانی سنه ۲۸

1Eminent among Contemporaries Purshottam Das chaudhri and Paras Ram qanungo of pargana Dhar are informed that
2the ʿarzdasht that they had sent has arrived and the contents have been noted. Regarding the ijaradars and
3officials of the said pargana, it was written that they have the most absurd ideas. Now
4it is necessary that on the receipt of this exalted note, they should be consoled and soothed, so that in future their minds are content and well-settled in their place.
5And all that causes their satisfaction and well-being will be done. Also, at this time,
6the notes from the radiant Lord have arrived [so], God willing, when we reach there, the rights of all that is
7written of will be declared. You are requested to settle the minds of the peasants so that there shall be no cause for their having thoughts of disturbance or quarrel.
8Know this as settled. Written on the 10th of the month of Rabiʿ al-sani in the 28th regnal year.

endorsements (right margin): Persian

1زبده الاقرانانا
2این شکایت عبث عبث خودها را در وسواس انداخته اند
3شما دلآسای ان غریبان بسیار بسیار بکنید هر چه [آنها]
4خود رضامند باشند چنان خواهم کرد چون
5مشقت آنها را ضایع بخواهم کرد آنها
6را رضامند و [شاکر] نگاه داشت
7آنها را خود هار فرستاد اند
8و بجا و مقام خود آورده
9بسیار بسیار بسیار بکنید 1
10در باب آمدن کسی آنها بخدمت
11وزارت پناه معلوم نموده از پروانه ان
12که سیادت پناه می رسیده معلوم خواهد شد
13مطابق ان بعمل آورند و فقط

1Eminent among Contemporaries,
2these very absurd complaints have thrown you into doubt.
3You should console these poor people very, very much. Whatever
4would satisfy [them] I will do. When
5I shall destroy their difficulties, it should keep them
6satisfied and [thankul ] .
7They have been sent.
8And accomplishing and settling [it] yourself,
9make very, very, very much.
10In the matter of the coming of some person of them to serve
11the Refuge of Ministry becoming known, from each parvana
12that reaches the Refuge of Sublimity, it will be known.
13Do as ordered in this [order] and . Nothing further.

authorisation (top left): Persian

عبد السلام بن محمد خان غلام سلطان مراد بخش [ شاه جهان ] ۱۰۵۴

[Round black ink seal] Abdussalam, son of Muhammad Khan, slave of Sultan Murad Bakhsh, [son of] [ Shah Jahan ] 1054 2

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clerical notes: Persian

پروانه بندگان رفعت و ایالت دستگاه [احور] صاحب جیو [آمار] دلاسای رعایا پرگنه بجانب گجرات رای شده نمود بتاریخ ۱۳ شهر ربیع الثانی سنه ۲۸

Parvana of the servants of the exalted and fortunate government of [Ahwar]3 Sahib Jiu, [the investigation of] the consolation of the subjects of the pargana was done on behalf of Gujarat Rai. On the date of 13 [of the] month of Rabiʿ al-sani in the 28th year


1. The text continues onto the top margin. [BACK]

2. For a variation of this seal, see "Order of Abdussalam, an employee of Prince Murad Bakhsh, to Purshottam Das and Paras Ram demanding tax records Bakhsh to Purshottam Das." [BACK]

3. This is presumably part of a name or title. [BACK]

landlord (similar to desai, deshmukh)

record-keeper (similar to deshpande)


petition (used for any formal address from an inferior to a superior)

a leaseholder of revenue rights or land




an honorific added to a name or title to show respect



Issuer: Abdussalam
Recipient: Purshottam Das
Recipient: Paras Ram
Supplicant: Purshottam Das
Supplicant: Paras Ram




Choudhary Family Collection, Bada Raola Dhar, none
Archival Collection: Purshottam Das collection

Transcribed from manuscript image.

Edited by Nandini Chatterjee

Encoding support and website development by Lizzy Williamson, Eva Bodenschatz, Richard Holding, Julia Hopkin and Gary Stringer