
Digitised Legal Documents from the Indo-Persian World

Order of a Mughal officer to the officials of Dhar regarding the grant of revenue-free villages to Purshottam Das

A Mughal officer orders the local officials of Dhar to entrust several revenue-free (inʿami) villages to Purshottam Das because he has appointed the landlord (chaudhri) of the district (pargana).

Functional document type: Orders

Formal document type: Parvana

Themes: Administration, Grants, Petitioning

Julus calendar: 19 Rajab 30
Hijri-qamri calendar: 19 Rajab 1066
Gregorian calendar: 13 May 1656

[Page 1r]

invocation (top centre): Arabic

الله اکبر

God is great

authorisation (top right margin): Persian

[Round black ink seal]

main text: Persian

1مقرر شد که متسدیان مهمات و متکفلان معاملات حال و استقبال
2پرگنه دهار متعلقه سرکار مندو من مضافات صوبه مالوه بدانند که
3چون بموجب نشان عالی شان سعادت عُنوان از قرار بتاریخ چهارم شهر رجب المرجب
4سنه سی جلوس میمنت مانوس موافق سنه یکهزار و شصت و شش هجری النبویه
5خدمت چودهرای پرگنه مذکور حسب الالتماس سیادت پناه وزارت دستگاه میر ابراهیم
6و عزت ایات کفایت شعار ملا عبدالسلام به پرشوتم ولد موهنداس مقرر و مفوض گشته
7و موضع آهو وغیره بموجب تفصیل مرقومه فی [الظر] بشرط دولتخواهی و ابادان کاری
8که لازمه اینخدمت است در وجه انعام ان مرحمت شده باید که
9خدمت مرجوعه را با مواضع انعامی وغیره باو مقرر دانسته وا گذارند که
10حاصلات انرا فصل بفصل و سال بسال متصرف شده لوازم حدمتگاری و مراسم دولتخواهی
11انچنان تقدیم رساند که آبادی و معموری پرگنه روز افزون گردد درین باب
12تاکید لازم دانسته [تخلف] نورزند [تحریراً] التاریخ ۱۹ شهر رجب المرجب سنه ۳۰ جلوس
13مبارک مقدس معلی مطابق سنه ۱۰۶۶ هجری فقط

1It was fixed that the mutasaddis of important endeavours and guarantors of the present and future affairs
2of pargana Dhar , dependency of sarkar Mandu annexed to suba Malwa should know that
3since according to the glorious imperial nishan1 written on the date of the fourth of the month of the revered Rajab
4year thirty of the auspicious reign, equivalent to the year one thousand sixty and 6 [1066] of the flight of the Prophet,
5the service of chaudhrai of the aforesaid pargana according to the petition of the Refuge of Sovereignty, Power of the Ministry Mir Ibrahim
6and Sign of Honour, Distinguished by Ability Mulla Abdussalam was fixed and entrusted to Purshottam [Das] son of Mohan Das.
7And per the details written [on the zimn] [and] on condition of loyalty and making [the villages] prosperous, village Ahu , etc.,
8that are the perquisites of this service, are granted as inʿam . 2 It is necessary that they [the officials being addressed] hand over the previously mentioned service along with the inʿami villages, etc., knowing these to be granted to him [Purshottam Das] so that
9enjoying the revenue of that [i.e., the villages] season by season and year by year, he shall present [i.e. perform] the necessities of service and the obligations of loyalty
10to such an extent that the habitation and cultivation of the pargana shall increase daily. In this matter
11knowing urgency [to be] necessary, do not delay. Written on the date 19 month Rajab the revered, year 30 of the
12glorious exalted reign, equivalent to year 1066 Hijri. Nothing further.

later addition (right margin): Marathi

समक्ष पाहिली सदरहूची नोंद रजिस्टर बुकातिल आजक्रम नंबर १३० यातकेली आहे तारीख ७ माहे आक्टोबर सन इसवी १९०२

Witnessed that the aforementioned document has been noted in the daily register book number 130. Date 7 October 1902 CE.


1. Possibly issued by the prince Murad Bakhsh . Both Abdussalam and Mir Ibrahim had seals that associated them with this prince. See "Order of Abdussalam to Purshottam Das and Paras Ram about a dispute with other officials" and "Order of an employee of Murad Bakhsh to the officials and residents of Dhar about rights to water". [BACK]

2. The document was laminated with onion-skin paper and some words are illegible due to damage to the laminating layer. [BACK]

local revenue official (As a state post, often in charge of trade and the collection of customs in a city or port. Can also refer to a clerk or accountant.)


territorial division, larger than district; generic term for a sovereign or government (Mughal term)

province (Mughal term)

princely order

office of chaudhri or landlord


verso of the document (This is where the details of a grant were often entered.)

reward, grant of tax-free land

referring to tax-exempt village lands or revenues (derived from inʿam)


Supplicant: Mir Ibrahim
Grantee: Purshottam Das




Choudhary Family Collection, Bada Raola Dhar, no shelfmark
Archival Collection: Purshottam Das collection

Transcribed from manuscript image.

Edited by Elizabeth Thelen

Encoding support and website development by Lizzy Williamson, Eva Bodenschatz, Richard Holding, Julia Hopkin and Gary Stringer