
Digitised Legal Documents from the Indo-Persian World

Order of an official of Murad Bakhsh to district Dhar regarding the flight of cultivators

Following the absconding of cultivators at the time of the settlement of the revenue demand, the landlords and record-keepers of the district (pargana) Dhar are ordered to encourage the cultivators to return by providing deeds of security (qaul-qarar).

Functional document type: Orders

Formal document type: Parvana

Themes: Administration, Desertion and Depopulation, Peasants

Julus calendar: 12 Rajab 29
Hijri-qamri calendar: 12 Rajab 1065
Gregorian calendar: 18 May 1655

[Page 1r]

invocation (top centre): Arabic

الله اکبر

God is great

main text: Persian

1چودهریان و قانونگویان پرگنه دهار را انهاء آنکه چون استمالت سال آينده
2رسیده و چنان شنیده میشود که رعایا اطراف و خوانب فراری شده میخواهد که در پرگنه مذکور
3آمده اباد شوند [سائرین] نوشته میشود که هر دیهه که ویوان اند دیهه رعایا را از جای دلاسار کرده
4می آرند و هر قولی که امانت پناه مولا عبد السلام از روی رفاهيت رعایا و ابادانی پرگنه بدیهه تا بجانب منظور است
5می باید که خاطر خود را جمع نموده هر رعایا که فراری شده باشد و نیز از سر نو سازد آنچه قول
6قرار [امانت] پناه [بدهند] قول ما است درینباب نهایت قدغن دانسته تحریر فیتاریخ ۱۲ شهر رجب المرجب ۲۹

1Chaudhris and qanungos of pargana Dhar, it is announced that when the istamalat of the coming year
2has arrived, and if it is heard that the cultivators of the tracts and districts have absconded, then it is desired that in the aforementioned pargana,
3they should come and prosper. [The rest] should be written such that in each village that is depopulated, the cultivators should be comforted
4and brought [back]. And each qaul that Refuge of Faith Maula Abdussalam by way of the tranquillity of the cultivators and the prosperity of the pargana [has issued] [to the villages up to the district] is approved.
5May it be that gathering their thoughts, each cultivator who fled should make a new beginning. Whatever qaul-qarar
6the Refuge of [Faith shall give] is our qaul. In this matter, take the utmost care. Written on the date 12 of the month of the venerable Rajab [in the year] 29.

invocation (right margin): Persian



authorisation (right margin): Persian

1هر قدر رعیت رجوع شود و انها پی که
2اجاره دارند و زراعت مینمایند هر قولی که امانت پناه
3مولانا عبد السلام [امین] از روی رفاهیت [با] نشان داده
4و خواهد داد منظور است و قول بر نمیگردد فقط

1By every measure, the cultivator ought to be returned, and those that have the power
2of a lease and are cultivating. Every qaul that the Refuge of Faith
3Maulana Abdussalam by way of tranquillity has indicated
4and wants to give is approved. And the qaul is not withdrawn. Nothing further.
5[Round black ink seal. The inscription is illegible.]

[Page 1v]

clerical notes (right margin): Persian

بتاریخ ۱۲ شهر رجب المجرب سنه ۲۹ نقل بدفتر رسانید فقط

On the date of 12 of the month of the venerable Rajab in the year 29, a copy was delivered to the daftar. Nothing further.1

later addition (top): Persian

پروانه وزارت اقبال پناه میر ابراهم [جیو] در باب تسلی و دلاسای که آنچه امانت پناه [احوبد] جیو قولقرار [داده] استمالت

Parvana of the office of Refuge of Prosperity Mir Ibrahim [Jiu] in the matter of comforting and consoling, that whatever qaul-qarar the Refuge of Faith Jiu [shall give], the istamalat


1. The meaning of the letter after this note is unclear. [BACK]

landlord (similar to desai, deshmukh)

record-keeper (similar to deshpande)


provisional settlement of annual revenue demand (For more information on this revenue-specific usage of the term, which also means "encouragement" or "conciliation," see Richard Jenkins, Report on the Territories of the Rajah of Nagpore, pg. 159)


tax contract or deed of assurance (alternately known as qaul-nama, qaul-qarar)


tax contract or deed of assurance (alternately known as qaul-nama, qaul-qarar)

tax contract or deed of assurance (alternately known as qaul-nama, qaul-qarar)

tax contract or deed of assurance (alternately known as qaul-nama, qaul-qarar)

tax contract or deed of assurance (alternately known as qaul-nama, qaul-qarar)

register (particularly in the compound "daftar-khana," also refers to a record-keeping office and repository)


an honorific added to a name or title to show respect

tax contract or deed of assurance (alternately known as qaul-nama, qaul-qarar)

an honorific added to a name or title to show respect

provisional settlement of annual revenue demand (For more information on this revenue-specific usage of the term, which also means "encouragement" or "conciliation," see Richard Jenkins, Report on the Territories of the Rajah of Nagpore, pg. 159)





Choudhary Family Collection, Bada Raola Dhar, no shelfmark
Archival Collection: Purshottam Das collection

Transcribed from manuscript image.

Edited by Dominic Vendell

Encoding support and website development by Lizzy Williamson, Eva Bodenschatz, Richard Holding, Julia Hopkin and Gary Stringer