
Digitised Legal Documents from the Indo-Persian World

Order of an employee of Murad Bakhsh to the officials and residents of Dhar about rights to water

Order of Mir Ibrahim, an employee of Prince Murad Bakhsh, to the headmen (muqaddam), landlords (chaudhri), record-keepers (qanungo) and residents of the district (pargana) Dhar, notifying them that the peasants of the village Tornod may not attempt to use water from the tank that adjoins the villages Naugaon and Qilchipur [Khilchipur] because the residents of those villages have owned these water rights since antiquity.

Functional document type: Orders

Formal document type: Parvana

Themes: Disputes, Natural Resources, Peasants

Julus calendar: 4 Safar 28
Hijri-qamri calendar: 4 Safar 1065
Gregorian calendar: 14 December 1654

[Page 1r]

invocation (top centre): Arabic

الله اکبر

God is great

main text: Persian

1چودهریان و قانونوگویان و مقدمان و رعایا پرگنه دهار را اعلام آنکه
2تالابی که متصل موضع نوگانوہ و قلچی پور معموله پرگنه مذکور است متعلق به اراضی
3نوگانوہ و قلچی پور از قدیم الایام تا حال بوده و می باشد در این وقت رعایای موضع
4ترنود اراده نموده که آب تالاب را به آراضی ده خود برده زراعت نمایند
5بنا بر ین نوشته می شود که احدی بهیچ وجه دخل بآب تالاب سوی رعایای که
6از قدیم متصرف بوده ننماید و مزاحم بحال آنها نرساند و خود را شریک و بهم
7در آن تالاب نشمارند که موجب تنبیہ و تادیب ایشان می گردد و پته مقرر نموده که1
8موازی ده بیگہ زمین شنکر هر سال سوای جمع
9در موضع نوگنده نگارد تحریر ۴ صفر سنه ۲۸
10حسب المسطور عمل نمایند فقط

1It is announced to the chaudhris and qanungos and muqaddams and subjects of pargana Dhar that
2the tank adjoining the villages of Naugaon and Qilchipur [Khilchipur], [which are] under the administration of the said pargana, has been and shall be dedicated to the agricultural lands of
3Naugaon and Qilchipur [Khilchipur] from the olden days until now. At the present time, the subjects of the village
4Tornod have demonstrated their intention to seize the water of the tank for the land in their own village and undertake agriculture.
5Based on this, let it be written that no one should, for any reason, take possession of the water of the tank other than the subjects who
6since olden times had been in possession [of the tank], and should not cause obstacles to their [the subjects’] situation and should not count themselves among the partners [co-owners]
7of this tank and not become the reason for chastisement and correction. And a patta was issued that
8ten bighas of land should be preserved tax-free every year in the village Naugaon.
9Written on the 4th of Safar in the year 28.
10Do as written. Nothing further.2

authorisation (right margin): Persian

ابراهیم بنده صدق سلطان مراد بخش

[Round black ink seal] Ibrahim true servant of Sultan Murad Bakhsh

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clerical notes (right margin): Persian

بتاریخ ۴ شهر صفر سنه ۲۸ نقل بدفتر

On the 4th of the month of Safar in the year 28, a copy [reached] the office.


1. The text continues onto the right margin. [BACK]

2. This final line can be read as part of the authorisation. [BACK]

landlord (similar to desai, deshmukh)

record-keeper (similar to deshpande)

village headman



deed of land rights (This can be a deed of lease or a deed of gift. It is also sometimes used for deeds for official posts.)


Issuer: Mir Ibrahim




Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, LNS 235 MS j
Archival Collection: Purshottam Das collection

Transcribed from manuscript image.

Edited by Nandini Chatterjee

Encoding support and website development by Lizzy Williamson, Eva Bodenschatz, Richard Holding, Julia Hopkin and Gary Stringer